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The Solutions for Women History
We started our own support groups

Solutions for Women began in 2010 as a network of 10+ justice impacted women, who sought additional therapeutic support via group and social interaction, after exiting various behavioral modification treatment and/or traditional 12-step recovery model programs.
We started having support groups in our living rooms.
As a way to pay it forward, we wanted to continue the collective work and reach out to our community of sisters, also impacted by systems, substance abuse disorders and/or mental health issues.
A huge thank you to our predecessors, Juanita Johnson and the original women of PDEC, Positive directions Equals Change, for paving a way for us.
Our Mission

Our Mission
Transitional Home Management
Co-Managed Nanny's Transitional House for Women, with Ms. Suritha Jackson. The 2 year housing program was located in Bayview Hunters Point.
Solutions for Women, then went on to operate our own three bedroom, 6-8 person, transitional house on Third Street in Bayview, SF.

FREE Community groups
Solutions began free community groups for women in the Bayview community at the Clean Lounge, a community space.
Solutions groups and activities relocated in late 2013 to a new space across the street from the Clean Lounge, to SFHDC’s, Bayview Commons Community Room @ 4445 Third Street, SF CA 94124
Here we held, hosted and facilitated in-person groups, activities, workshops and guest speakers
2013 Bayview Commons
Solutions groups and activities relocated in late 2013 to a new space across the street from the Clean Lounge, to the Bayview Commons Community Room @ Third Street & Lasalle Streets in Bayview. We contracted with the SF Adult Probation department to host events, in-person groups, activities, workshops and guest speakers.

2014 First Annual Fundraiser
Hosted in Bayview, attendees included then supervisor Malia Cohen and community activist Marie Harrison

MARCH 2020
Bayview Women's Forum
March 2020 cohosted a women’s forum at the Bayview YMCA with law enforcement & women’s ReEntry community

Heaven gained an Angel
We lost one of our ladies, Jeris P. Woodson,
May you continue to rest in peace

2022 Black Women's Wellness Retreat
in honor of Jeris P. Woodson aka 'Peaches'

2023 San Francisco
Board of Supervisors
Certificate of Honor
For our work with the women
at Pier 94 in Bayview

2023 Recovery Day
Community Appreciation Award
For our work in the San Francisco Reentry Community

We believe all women can ​embrace who they are, ​can define their future, and can change the world!

SOLUTIONS for WOMEN is committed to the empowerment of women.
Our mission is to support and connect women to resources, encourage emotional wellness and promote education so women aspire to become leaders in their community.
At SOLUTIONS, “Experience is the best teacher.” Through shared, lived experiences, we teach what we know. ​

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